To increase self-motivation to be a winner, there is no harm You follow some of the suggestions proposed by Vincent Gasperz in his book Business Plan Preparation Guidelines, namely:
1. Never cut anything that can be opened knot.
2. Look at problems as opportunities for growth and self-control.
3. Be an expert in time management.
4. Judge your success by using a benchmark of how much you enjoy the peace, health, and compassion.
5. Do not delay implementation of ideas (ideas) is good. Possibility there are other people who just think about it too. Success came to those who act first.
6. Be wary of people who tell you how much he was honest.
7. Remember that winners do what is not done by a loser.
8. Look for opportunities, rather than a sense of security. Ship in port is safe, but in time the will be damaged underneath rust.
9. Live the life in such a way that the writing on the stone nisanmu can read: "No Remorse".
10.Be achieve excellence, not perfection.
11. Give people a second chance, but do not be a third chance.
12. Learning recognize things that are not related, then ignore!
13. Don’t forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel valued.
14. Use less time to discuss who is right, and more time to discuss what is right!
15. Ask people who are smarter than you to work with you.
16. Don’t burn bridges, you'll be surprised how often you must cross the same river.
17. Keep to expectations (expectations) remains high.